10 Catholic Bloggers Get Real about the New Evangelization
"The New Evangelization" is a buzzword Catholics toss around, but what exactly does that phrase mean? It's believed that Saint Pope John Paul II first used the term in 1983:
“The commemoration of the half millennium of evangelization will gain its full energy if it is a commitment, not to re-evangelize but to a New Evangelization, new in its ardor, methods and expression”
The New Evangelization is a call from the Catholic Church for her children to deepen their faith, then take the message out to the world. The beauty of the New Evangelization is that it is specifically focused on bringing Catholicism back to those who have fallen away from the Church - but it realizes that you can't give what you don't have. So, there are two facets to the New Evangelization - catechicaizing Catholics in the Church and reaching out to others to show them the beauty of Christ's bride.
Saint Pope John Paul II wasn't the only pope to talk about the New Evangelization, either. In Verbum Domino, Father Benedict exhorted the bishops on how the Catholic Church should approach the Bible and evangelization. He said:
“Our own time, then, must be increasingly marked by new hearing of God’s word and a new evangelization. Recovering the centrality of the divine word in the Christian life leads us to appreciate anew the deepest meaning of the forceful appeal of Pope John Paul II: to pursue the mission ad gentes and vigorously to embark upon the new evangelization, especially in those nations where the Gospel has been forgotten or meets with indifference as a result of widespread secularism”
In today's world of social media, the New Evangelization can take shape on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and blog posts. I sat down with ten bloggers and asked them how they use their blogging platform to evangelize to others (Catholics and non-Catholics alike!) Their answers showcase the passion that fuels their desire to blog and be Christ on the internet today.
Kirby Hoberg - Under Thy Roof
"I write from the perspective of a Catholic mom in her 20s figuring out how mothering, marriage, and personal talents all fit together. I was an Anthropology major, and I still believe strongly in the power of sharing stories. My greatest hope with each post is that is will reach and speak to at least one person. Just one. If I can help one person not feel so alone in this vocation and season of life then I have done well!"
Caitlyn Anderson - Mrs. Andy, Anchored by Faith
"I do my best to share my beliefs- and how they have helped me navigate life as a daughter, sister, wife, and friend- in a honest and real manner. I've learned that you can spark so much interest in the Truth just by talking about your personal journey with the Catholic Church. For me, this means linking everyday activities (cleaning, date nights, traveling, etc.) to scripture and sharing what I've learned about the faith (because I learn something new on a daily basis!) on social media and my blog.
Ginny Kochis - Not So Formulaic
"My blog is called Not So Formulaic, so I try to be a witness against the stereotypes of Catholic womanhood so pervasive in our culture. We aren’t oppressed. We aren’t mistreated. We are honored and respected for who we are, as we are. I try to have my social media posts reflect that.
Amy Salazar - Catholic Girl Bloggin'
"When I started Catholic Girl Bloggin', part of my mission was to show others that Catholics are regular people who can geek out about Star Wars and attending Mass. This is why movie reviews are my blog's bread and butter. In some Christian circles, seeing films such as Harry Potter or the new Beauty and the Beast because of the "gay LeFou" are frowned upon. With these movie reviews, I get to offer my perspective on social culture as a practicing Catholic millennial. Often times, when we do try to evangelize, people can feel defensive and are unwilling to listen to what we have to say because of bad past experiences with other Christians. When people see that Catholics are not hiding from social culture, but are engaged in it while holding firm to the faith, they are more likely to want to start conversations with us. Evangelization can't happen if dialogue is shut down.
Allison Gingras - Reconciled to You
"My main desire is to share how God is moving in my life. Inspirations from the Scripture, Spiritual Reading or participation in the Sacraments. As well as awesome resources I find throughout my own journeys online "
Kimberly Cook - The Lion of Design
"My site's tagline is "Seeking Truth, Goodness, and Beauty on the Journey of Motherhood." I try to be true to this mission, by sharing the knowledge that I have gained through studying theology at the Masters level. I have worked in many ministry positions, including teaching theology before staying home with my children, and blogging was a way to continue my call to evangelization even from my own home!"
Leslie Sholly - Life in Every Limb
"My blog is a 'Catholic' blog only in the sense that I am Catholic and my faith influences everything I do and say. That means many people who are NOT Catholic or who are not the kind of Catholic who would immerse themselves in the Catholic blogging world are reading my blog. That gives me an opportunity to explain Catholic teachings to people who may never have heard about them before, or who may have been poorly catechized. My blog was originally an outgrowth of a column I wrote on life issues for the diocesan newspaper. In that column, I made sure to write about a variety of life issues that fully reflected Church teachings on the sanctity of life 'from womb to tomb.' This is something I've continued in my blog. For many folks who pigeonhole Catholics as caring about abortion, this gives them something to think about."
Pam Spano - Be Catholic . . . Really
"I post at least 3 times a day on Facebook and at least once on Twitter. I post my own writings or those of others that I think are interesting and relevant. I also look for content that might not be as mainstream so my audience is seeing something fresh."
Anni Harry - A Beautiful Camouflaged, Mess of Life
"I use my platform to make people think - of their personal relationship with God, as well as their relationship with others. Too often, we have a tendency to overlook the reminder, “They will know we are Christians by our love,” and so I strive to remind my followers that to love is to be Christ to others. I use various strategies - from blog posts to Instagram pictures, in an effort to inspire others to live their Faith... through their words and actions"
"My goal with my blog (and social media platforms) is to show the good, beautiful, and true of the Catholic faith while also talking about the challenges we face as we strive to live authentically Christian lives. I believe that sharing honest reflections on these struggles make it easier to connect to. I hope it makes sainthood seem less like an intimidating, unachievable level of holiness and more like a way every single one of us tries to live, even if we do it imperfectly."