A Letter to the Woman Wondering Why Friendship With Women Is So Complicated // Chloe Langr


Do you remember how simple it was to make and keep girlfriends when you were really young? All you had to do was wear the same pair of tennis shoes as a classmate or gal on the playground and man, you were set. Best friends forever. But the further we grow away from kindergarten classrooms and recess camaraderie, the more complicated friendship with other women seems to become. 

Let’s face it - friendship is hard! How can we really achieve authentic friendship in our lives as Catholic women - and is it even worth the effort?

I’m switching things up a little bit today - if this is the first time you’ve tuned into a Letters to Women episode, welcome! Normally, I sit down with a Catholic woman and we chat about her story, something she’s passionate about, and how she’s living out the feminine genius in her daily life.

But this week, for only the third time in the entire five year history of this podcast, I’m going solo to visit with you about my brand new book, ‘Sisterhood: Giving and Receiving the Gift of Friendship” - which launches into the world TODAY, May 2nd.

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