A Letter to the Woman Rediscovering the Catholic Church // Mallory Smythe


In today’s episode, I’m sitting down with Mallory Smyth and we’re talking about her journey back to Catholicism, but also some of the big, elephant in the room topics that come up when you share about your Catholic faith with people who have left the Catholic Church - or honestly, could even be topics you struggle with yourself when it comes to living in today’s world as a Catholic woman - I know I’ve wrestled with many of the topics Mallory writes about and that her and I cover in today’s episode.

One thing that I will be forever grateful to my parents for is that when I was exploring and learning about Catholicism as a young adult, they never answered any of my questions with a “because that’s how it is,” or “because I said so.” They always encouraged me to not only ask hard questions, but also be confident in the fact that I wasn’t the only one or the first one to ask that question, and that truth and an answer was out there.

If you’re wrestling with those big questions about the Church, if you’re struggling to feel at home in the Church, if you have one foot out the door, or if you’ve left the faith, sister, this letter is for you! 

Topics we talked about in this episode:

  • Mallory’s story of reversion back to the Catholic Church after leaving in late high school

  • Why Mallory decided to focus her new book, “Rekindled: How Jesus Called Me Back to the Catholic Church and Set My Heart on Fire,” on the harder topics that come up when talking about the faith with others

  • How has a lack of robust catechesis impacted the Catholic Church, and how can we as Catholics grow to know what Mallory call the whys behind the whats of our faith

  • What does fighting for revival and renewal within the Church look like for Catholic women today

  • The advice Mallory would give a listener who is wrestling with one of the Church's teachings on human sexuality

Resources you should check out after listening to this episode:

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