Introducing Letters to Wives


Welcome to the Letters to Women podcast, where we explore and embrace the feminine genius in our own ordinary, daily life. This isn’t a podcast where I talk about the one way to become a Catholic woman. And it’s not a show where I sit down with other women and we share a set of expectations for Catholic women today that leave you feeling left out or out of place.

Instead, you’ll find conversations with women in a variety of seasons of life and hear about how they are living out their own unique feminine genius—all offered as encouragement for you to discover more about who you are and how you’re called to live out that feminine genius, too. If you’re tuning in for the first time, we’re exploring the litany of thanks from John Paul II’s original Letter to Women over the course of multiple seasons. The last season, which you can find wherever you listen to podcasts, was Letters to Mothers. 

Now, we’re back for the second season: Letters to Wives. This season is inspired by the following line from Saint Pope John Paul II’s ‘Letter to Women’:

Thank you, women who are wives! You irrevocably join your future to that of your husbands, in a relationship of mutual giving, at the service of love and life.

This upcoming season is going to feature conversations on topics like sex and intimacy (and we’re getting into the nitty gritty on this), communication in marriage, what marriage looks like in different seasons, how to strengthen your marriage in hard seasons, when marriage therapy could be helpful for your marriage and how to find a therapist you trust, how to go on a marriage retreat, and I’m sitting down with the owner of a model-free lingerie company to talk about intimacy. And more!!

I’m so excited to welcome brand new of the show on this journey to discover what the feminine genius is and how the Lord is asking us to live it out in our day to day reality as wives. 

Resources for you: