A Letter to the Woman Wondering About Feminism


Show Notes 

- Samantha runs FemCatholic: For Women, For the Church. Her mission on the website is to educate, encourage and empower women as they strive for Christ. 

- One of Samantha's articles on Catholic feminism was featured on Aleteia, "How Being a Feminist Brought Me Closer to God". 

- Samantha mentions Edith Stein and her approach to feminism. I've found the book "Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross" by Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda to be a great look into Edith's life and her writings. 

- Saint Pope John Paul II's idea of new feminism is explored in this article, "Can a Catholic be a feminist? Here’s why John Paul II thought so," an article by Dominika Cicha. 

- FemCatholic was an idea Samantha worked with at the 2016 Given Conference. You can find all of the talks from that conference here - I can't wait to listen to them all!

- Back in 2016, I wrote an article on Old Fashioned Girl called "5 Reasons Why You Can't Bea Feminist and Pro-Contraception." 

- Theology of the Body is a beautiful work by Saint Pope John Paul II. You can find the original general audiences here.  Christopher West has done some amazing work at making the pope's work accessible. You can find out more about his work over at Theology of the Body Institute

- Another beautiful work by Saint Pope John Paul II that Samantha mentions is Evangelium Vitae

One of the best books I have yet to read on Natural Family Reading is "The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning" by Simcha Fisher.

- Seven Times Pope Paul VI Predicted the Future, and article from EpicPew

- Lisa Cotter's talk "The Truth about Sexes" beautifully tackles the question of what it means to be a woman.