7QT 27: New homes, no internet, and a nervous rabbit

It's almost time for Gaudete (pink candle) Sunday - my favorite Sunday of Advent. But before I anxiously strike a match and this Advent wreath gets lit, let's take a quick peek back at this week with the Langrs! 


1. Our new home sweet home

We've officially moved everything out of our old apartment and into our new duplex! It's so much space, friends. There's room for an upstairs coffee and heart-to-heart area and a downstairs hang out space (that I stubbornly refuse to call the man-cave. Because it's my space, too!) where we've put our comfy couch and TV. Here's a few photos our new place - I can't wait to start decorating next week. I think hanging pictures will make it feel a little more like home. 


2. A blogger without internet

At our new home, we've decided to switch internet companies and give Google Fiber a try. But the only downside to this decision is that it's going to take Google about 25 days to send someone our way and set it up. "It's okay!" I told Joseph, "We can live without internet for 25 days, it'll be good for us!" 

Said the woman who blogs for a living. What was I planning on doing - sending out blog posts to my subscribers by mail . . . the old fashioned way? 

So instead of living without internet, we decided to pay for one more month of internet with our old provider. A technician came out earlier this week. The poor guy spent an hour on a ladder only to find out later that he attached the wires to the wrong provider - but we discovered that after I spent about 2 hours on the phone with IT. So we had another technician out the following day and he got us fixed up - which is why you're able to read this blog update. Tuesday I was very thankful for people who knew more about the internet than I did. I need to brush up on that knowledge, given what I do for work! 

3. Just keep running, just keep running


This week was week two of the Catholic Women Run Advent Challenge. I was scared of the 3 mile run since it's been so long since I've set foot on a treadmill. I didn't run nearly as fast as I used to. It would be easy to beat myself up over these numbers, to think back on how I ran in high school. But instead of losing my joy over a couple of extra minutes on the treadmill, I was able to spend time in conversation with a God who loves me regardless of how fast I run. Next up? 4 miles. 

4. Want to read more scripture? This is the podcast episode for you

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"Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ," Saint Jerome wrote. In this episode of Letters to Women, I visit with Sonja Corbitt, the Bible Study Evangelista. We talk about how to dig into scripture and tear down the stereotypes that Catholics don't read the Bible. Click here to listen to the episode

5. Christmas is coming

I knew that Christmas was right around the corner - after all, we talk about it all the time at work. I thought for sure I had at least two weeks to wrap up things and be ready for Christmas day. But that sneaky last purple candle has only one day, dangit. So today I'll be finishing up my Christmas shopping, packing, and wrapping. Wish me luck! How's your Christmas preparations going? 



Today's 7 Quick Takes features 2 Wilson updates - he's had a busy week with moving and all. We've decided to keep him upstairs, but he isn't a big fan of the hardwood floor. So Sunday we decided to open up his cage and give him a chance to explore. He didn't take the chance and instead stayed in his cage. I got down beside him to encourage him and he let me hold him! The only downside to the situation was that I was wearing a black dress. It was promptly covered in Wilson fur. But it was so worth it. 


7. Wilson decides to redecorate

Wilson has taken to re-arranging his home. In the middle of the night. Loudly. He scoots his litter box all the way across his cage, then gets frustrated when it doesn't look right. His response? Thumping his feet LOUDLY at approximately 3:00 AM. I think it'll take both Wilson and I a little while to adjust to our new home. But at least I arrange furniture quietly and during normal hours!

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