7 Quick Takes 64: Trees, Parties, and Baby Kicks

Happy Friday, friends! This weekend Joseph and I are grabbing dinner with family, finalizing our Christmas shopping list, and putting out our holiday decorations. Then it’s off to Christmas work parties!

But before we dust off the branches of the Christmas tree and wrap them in lights, here’s a quick peek back on the adventures we’ve had over the past few weeks.

1. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree

Joseph’s Christmas tree from college is about three feet tall, so we waffled back and forth about whether this it the year we should get either a larger fake tree or explore the world of live Christmas trees.

After wandering around the store for a while and not falling in love with a single tree, we decided to use our little baby tree one more year. I’ll post pictures next Friday after we get everything set up this weekend!

We’re planning to snag a taller Christmas tree during the after-Christmas sales. What are your favorite places to shop for after-Christmas goodies?

2. Kicking it into gear

After weeks of waiting, the littlest Langr kicked me hard enough for both Joseph and I to feel him/her move last weekend! I’m hoping they tone down their violence level a little when they get outside the womb, though.

We went to a doctor appointment recently and the baby kicked our doctor when he checked for their heartbeat. Alright, slow it down in there, little feisty baby.

3. On the other side of the microphone


I've sat behind this podcast microphone hundreds of times in the past year and a half, but I've always been the host or co-host and never the guest. 

But that changed today thanks to Mystery through Manners Podcast! It was so great to sit on the other side of the microphone and chat with Jules. I can't wait to hear the episode. We can try to do life alone, but it's so much better to do beautiful things together with others.

4. A (white) elephant in the room

We kicked off our 2018 Christmas parties with a white elephant gift exchange with married couples at our parish. It was a blast - we had some incredible appetizers and desserts and then started the gift swap.

After unwrapping, stealing, and stealing, we ended the night with a new candle (which is perfect since I’ve been burning all the candles in our house recently), and a little snowman cup for some hot cocoa. What’s your favorite fun gift you’ve unwrapped at a white elephant gift exchange?

5. Holiday calendars are hard

Monday night I was all ready to go for a work Christmas party. I was especially excited to not have to cook dinner that night. But, on a whim, I checked the invite again to make sure of details. It turns out the party was not for another six days, and the RSVP date was Monday night.

Needless to say, I’m now really looking forward to the party this weekend and I’m glad I just didn’t show up at the host house, all geared up for a party. Hey, I just take a while to gear up into party mode, apparently.

6. The Langrs attempt a movie night

We had a free Redbox rental this week, so we decided to watch Crazy Rich Asians. I’ve been reading the first book in the series over the past few weeks and I broke my rule of reading the book before watching the movie.

Although the film footage of Singapore was beautiful, the story was just another romantic chick flick. Joseph slept through it, and after I realized the movie was almost two hours long, I kind of wished I had joined him.

7. Wilson is getting too comfortable

We left Wilson to wander on his freedom rug this past week and let’s just say that he’s testing his boundaries. We found him sitting on the couch (he can jump that high!?) and looking very pleased with himself.

After promptly shooing him off the furniture, we re-established his highly supervised playtime routine. I swear, if you give this rabbit an inch, he’ll take a mile.

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