7 QT 26: The Langrs Celebrate Advent


The first week of Advent is almost over! Time flies when you're preparing for the coming of a king! Before we light the second purple candle (and anxiously wait to light the pink candle, my favorite one), let's take a look at the Langr ADVENTures this week - see what I did there? 

1. Light the Advent candles


We've take time each night this week to light our Advent candle and pray a reflection together. I love the daily reminder of the Advent season and getting to pray and prepare together. Joseph and I take turns lighting and blowing out the candles - what can you expect from a couple of pyros? 

2. Christmas parties and book wreaths


Guys. Remember last week when I said I was making a book wreath? I didn't chicken out, gathered all of the craft supplies and went over to a friend's house Saturday afternoon. It was not a Pinterest fail at all! My first successful craft project! We're hanging it above our coffee bar, which we're probably moving right now as you read. 


3. Our fuzzy socks are hung by the chimney with care


We ventured out to Target on Tuesday night to get our gifts for the giving tree at church. While we were there, we looked through their stocking selection to find some to hang by our fireplace. Man, stockings are pricey! So instead of spending $13 a piece for oh-so-cute knitted stockings with monograms on them, we decided to get a pair of fuzzy socks for $10 to hang instead. I promised Joseph  I wouldn't wear them when we took them down after the Christmas season, but they are so warm and tempting. 

4. Saint Nicholas shops at Trader Joe's and Aldi


Joseph and I celebrated the feast day of Saint Nicholas on Wednesday! I grew up finding gifts from Saint Nicholas in my shoes, and Joseph grew up finding gifts in his stocking. So for our new tradition as a married couple, Saint Nicholas left gifts in our fuzzy socks, er, stockings! My stocking was wrapped in twinkle lights and filled with gold candy coins, an orange, and a kit to make buttered rum. Joseph's stocking was filled with ginger candy, some beers to try, and a candle. Saint Nicholas shops at Trader Joe's and Aldi - that saint has good taste! 

5. This Catholic woman is running! 


Last week, I interviewed Johnna, who helped co-found Catholic Women Run, on my podcast. This week, I'm running in the Advent challenge and preparing for a 10K! Of course, the temperature before the first day of the challenge is 60 degrees. The day of the first run?  A chilly 30 degrees. Next time, Lord, teach me endurance in a different way, please. 

6. Saint Andrew's Christmas Novena

I've been wanting to pray a novena for a long time, so when I heard about the Saint Andrew's Christmas Novena, I was pumped. Nothing like wanting to pray a prayer for 9 days and then praying a "Novena" that is actually 26 days long! It's been such a powerful prayer though. I wake up every morning and pray it 15 times before starting the day. I loved this print from Sweet Little Ones and have it set as the background of my phone. 

7. Today is moving day!

This weekend we are moving to our brand new to us duplex! We're so excited to have a little bit more space - which means we get to find a new couch, too! The only sad part is that we're losing our fireplace. It's okay to just come back to our old apartment on Christmas and light a Christmas fire in the hearth, right? 

Please keep us in your prayers during this transition! I'll show you around the place next week, let you know how many coffee cups I broke in the move, and, of course, give you an update on how Wilson likes his new surroundings. 

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