4 Questions You Should Ask Before Giving a Long Distance Relationship a Try


Three years ago, I was on a summer mission team when I met Joseph. He was passionate about his faith. Joseph was (and still is!) a great listener and we had some good conversations. But he was leaving at the end of the week and lived three hours away from where I was staying that summer. 

Read more: Your Brain on Summer Mission Trips

The distance between us didn’t stop us from getting to know each other over the following months. We spent time getting to know about each other’s interests, families, and hobbies. We shared stories about how we both spent our summer. Then, when I moved back home (only an hour away from Joseph!), we went on a dinner date. Joseph and I had a successful, long distance start to our relationship. Are you thinking about giving long distance relationships a try, too?

Click over to Catholic Singles to read the four questions you should discuss with someone before making it official over at Catholic Singles! 

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