What would you like to drink with that book?
The Book:
During the college semester, there aren't many times I get to sit down and read for fun. Typically my reading list consists of
But this week I got time to go behind my textbooks' back and read some non-school assigned reading.textbooks, textbooks and textbooks with a side of textbooks sprinkled with textbooks. Granted, as a history major, these books are often really quite interesting and enjoyable for me.
Don't tell them.
This week's book selection is The World of Downton Abbey.
This TV show is the bane of my existence at this point - it's constant presence and my needing to catch up on the latest season frequently takes precedence over my always-due homework. Curse you PBS and your addictive ability.
So this book is a happy medium of being able to sneak into the wonderful world of Downton while still appearing to be studying. I have a feeling that habit is going to kick me soon.
The Drink:
You will never love coffee as much as you do in college. There is something about sleep deprivation that increases the flavor of this beverage like none other.
My favorite coffee and the selection that graces my Wednesday afternoon is a caramel macchiato. My sister lovingly makes fun of me, since this drink is essentially just "stained milk." Say what you wish, barrista sister, but I'm addicted. I need to find a cheaper addiction.
The Thoughts: I was at a young Christian adult group this week and the speaker had some pretty powerful thoughts. She mentioned how young adults in general need to stop throwing themselves headlong into dedication to a non-reality.
What does this mean? Basically, if reality TV, Facebook, video games or fiction are taking over your life, than you need to reevaluate. You're missing out on incredible opportunities to connect with the people you pass on the bus, sit with in class or work next door to.
And while I completely agree, a very small part of me will forever be matchmaking the characters in Downtown Abbey. Come on, Mary. Go out with Charles Blake already, will you?