Don't be Perfect - Be Prepared

Don't be prepared

Welcome to Advent 2012!  These next four weeks, we will be (hopefully) drawing even closer to Christ with anticipation of the celebration of His birth....right?

Don't feel bad.  I love Christmas!  I don't love the getting, I love the giving!  Even though I know the Christmas focus should be on Christ's birth, I get wrapped up (no pun intended!) in the gift giving instead of the praise-giving to God.

I think we fail to realize the sheer awesomeness of Christmas.    What other god in all human history or mythology has come down to earth to SAVE mankind?  What other Creator became the creation?  None but Christ.

This Christmas will not be perfect.  Inevitably, something will go wrong.  We have to relax though, since Christmas isn't about how many people are happy with our gifts or how much we spend per person.  Christmas is about family, giving, joy and, most of all, a healthy dose of recognition for the love Christ shows us by His coming.

The Gospel this weekend talks about being prepared for the second coming.  How about being truly prepared for Christmas?  Like the first reading says, we have become drowsy in the dealings of everyday life.  Let's all get our hearts and souls ready for the Lord.  Make sure to hit a confession near you in anticipation for a soul white as snow when you receive Christ into your heart on Christmas morning.

You can't be perfect.  Be prepared.  

God bless you all!

Chloe M.

p.s.  Grandpa is back home as of yesterday night - the brains scans show that he is good to go and the heart scans show the same.  Thanks again to everyone for your prayers!