On the Record with . . . Jeff
On the Record Thursdays:
Interview with Jeff
Jeff is a cradle Catholic. He enjoys writing, reading religious book, listening to music, and playing video games. One of his more unique hobbies is wilderness survival. He is organizing a new young men's group in his Church.
Mountaintop:Hello and welcome to On the Record Thursdays with Mountaintop! I heard that you are starting a new Catholic young men's group in your church. What inspired this organization?
Jeff:The inspiration for this group is the world around me. The Catholic Church is losing the Culture War. This war is being fought in the hearts and minds of the youth. I have found that the only reason young people disagree with the Church is that they don't know what it teaches, or in some cases, what it teaches. It is also my experience that young people only listen to young people. So what we need to win the Culture War is a group of young people to know and preach their faith.
Mountaintop:What are your hopes for this group?
Jeff:I'm starting this group: the YCMG, or Young Catholic Men's Group at my church. It is still in creation, but it will focus on:
1. Building faith in its members, because a man with an argument is no match for a man with an experience
2. Educating members about their faith, because misrepresented truths are the largest problem facing the Catholic Church
3. Evangelizing fellow youth, which will inevitably lead to
4: Apologetics
Mountaintop:You had mentioned your love of reading religious books - what triggered your love of this genre versus more secular reading?
Jeff: I have always been interested in religion. It is really impressive to read books that are over 1,000 years old and see that they still apply to today's world
Mountaintop:Do you have any recommended reading for those new to this sort of book? Do you have a favorite author?
Jeff:There is wide range of levels. The Baltimore Catechism is a very good start. It is in a question-answer format and is divided into four books like this:
Baltimore Catechism One: intended for first communicants.
BC Two: intended for confirmation classes or 6-9 graders.
BC three: intended for high-schoolers who understand most of BC two
BC four: college-level or teaching aid.
Other good books are Jesus Freaks, published by Bethany house. It is about martyrs, Biblical, classical, and modern (note: Jesus Freaks covers the Reformation in an anti-Anglican, anti-Catholic way) and Catholic & Christian by Alan Schreck. This book is about commonly misunderstood Catholic beliefs.
Mountaintop:Do you have any advice for fellow Catholic teens living in a secular world?
Jeff:Pray and know your faith. Find other Catholic teens who feel like you do. Go to youth groups. Go to mass on Sundays. Get involved somehow, someway.
Mountaintop:Thanks again for your time and God Bless you and your ministry!